Devil By the Tail (Book #1)
What’s a 20-something Union war widow to do in 1867?
Start up her own detective agency with a former Reb P.O.W., of course! Quinn Sinclair, who uses the name Mrs. Paschal professionally, and her wryly observant partner Garnick get two cases on the same day—one to help a man prove he didn’t kill his wife, another to help a lawyer find reasonable doubt that his client killed her ex-lover’s new bride. As the detectives dig deeper, they unearth facts that tie the cases together in disturbing ways. This tantalizing tale of 19th Century Chicago comes complete with corrupt politicians, yellow-press reporters, gambling parlors, and colorful bawdyhouse madams. At every turn in the investigation, Quinn discovers more suspects and more secret motives for murder.
Not least among her worries, someone seems intent on murdering her!

If Two Are Dead (Book #2)
In the sequel to Devil by the Tail, Detectives Garnick and Paschal take on big trouble when the most celebrated author in the world hires them to recover his stolen diary.
It’s 1867 and Charles Dickens’ American reading tour is about to begin. Dickens mania has gripped the country, but the author is filled with dread. Fearing blackmail or worse — the loss of his readers’ love and admiration if his secrets are revealed—he sneaks away to Chicago where he believes the thief has absconded with his diary. Detective Quinn Paschal agrees to investigate, but she and Garnick already have their hands full. While pursuing a gang of grave robbers, they discover the body of a young woman who was murdered and buried in a man’s grave. Quinn vows to track down the victim’s identity and expose the murderer, only to encounter a local VIP who, like Dickens, has secrets best kept hidden. To solve their two cases, the detectives must delve into the darkest corners of their clients’ private lives. But too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing. As Quinn soon learns, three can keep a secret only if two are dead.